Andersons Outlook 2024

Andersons Outlook 2024

We hope that you find Outlook 2024, written by members of all the Andersons’ businesses, both informative and stimulating and, as ever, wish you all the best for a successful 2024. If you would like to receive a copy either electronically click here or in hard copy,...
Andersons Outlook 2023

Andersons Outlook 2023

2023 marks fifty years since the founding of Andersons the Farm Business Consultants – then David Anderson and Co. As such, in this edition of Outlook we not only provide the usual analysis and commentary of where the farming sector is heading, but also indulge...
Andersons Outlook 2022

Andersons Outlook 2022

Today, with the help of Richard King, our Head of Business Research, we are pleased to launch our annual publication Outlook 2022. 2021 has been a year with many unexpected twists and turns. We have seen record prices for lamb, beef, grain and oilseed but also for...